Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Week 7B

Since we only had two people present their logos in class, today was a "work in class" day for everyone else. I took the Sheetz logo back into After Effects for some editing. This is what I have so far:

Now I think it's time to find some audio to add.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Week 7A

I think it looks really cool. I'm very pleased with it. Except, I think it is a little fast. I want to ask about slowing it down just a tad without having to change the frames per second.

Professor Pannafino thinks it's too compartmentalized. He said I should make the letters spelling Sheetz come in faster, and that the ending where the background spins should be longer. 

I also want to make the following edits:
  • make golden rods come out at the same time
  • make "fresh food" and "made to order" come in at the same time. 
  • make the boxes where "fresh food" and "made to order" appear come out at the same time

I believe making these edits will give me more time to have the background rotate longer at the end. Maybe I could also add a cool shine to it.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Week 6 Outside of Class

I think we are working on our animations further in class. I worked on mine this weekend, and this is what I have so far:

I think it looks really cool. I'm very pleased with it. Except, I think it is a little fast. I want to ask about slowing it down just a tad without having to change the frames per second.

I posted this on Facebook and also Instagram: 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Week 6B

Today, we worked on our storyboards in Adobe Illustrator: Here are mine:

After viewing them, he said I need to add time and frames, and show what it is doing with arrows. Here's what I have: 

First I added time - 

Then I added frames and arrows - 

Monday, February 27, 2017

Week 6A

For homework, we had to sketch 2 storyboards for our logo animation. Here are mine:

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Week 5B

In class, we critiqued different classmates' logo choices on Blogger. Now we are being shown a After Effects demo.

My logo choices are:

1) The Sheetz Logo

2) The Panera Bread Logo

Real talk? I might animate both.