Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Week 7B

Since we only had two people present their logos in class, today was a "work in class" day for everyone else. I took the Sheetz logo back into After Effects for some editing. This is what I have so far:

Now I think it's time to find some audio to add.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Week 7A

I think it looks really cool. I'm very pleased with it. Except, I think it is a little fast. I want to ask about slowing it down just a tad without having to change the frames per second.

Professor Pannafino thinks it's too compartmentalized. He said I should make the letters spelling Sheetz come in faster, and that the ending where the background spins should be longer. 

I also want to make the following edits:
  • make golden rods come out at the same time
  • make "fresh food" and "made to order" come in at the same time. 
  • make the boxes where "fresh food" and "made to order" appear come out at the same time

I believe making these edits will give me more time to have the background rotate longer at the end. Maybe I could also add a cool shine to it.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Week 6 Outside of Class

I think we are working on our animations further in class. I worked on mine this weekend, and this is what I have so far:

I think it looks really cool. I'm very pleased with it. Except, I think it is a little fast. I want to ask about slowing it down just a tad without having to change the frames per second.

I posted this on Facebook and also Instagram: 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Week 6B

Today, we worked on our storyboards in Adobe Illustrator: Here are mine:

After viewing them, he said I need to add time and frames, and show what it is doing with arrows. Here's what I have: 

First I added time - 

Then I added frames and arrows - 

Monday, February 27, 2017

Week 6A

For homework, we had to sketch 2 storyboards for our logo animation. Here are mine:

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Week 5B

In class, we critiqued different classmates' logo choices on Blogger. Now we are being shown a After Effects demo.

My logo choices are:

1) The Sheetz Logo

2) The Panera Bread Logo

Real talk? I might animate both. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Week 5 Outside of Class

New Project:

I already know what logo I'm going to animate. Picture below:

Why Sheetz? Because I've been working there since 2013, and so far, it has been one of the best jobs I've had. I get along with my coworkers, we all work together, and it's like we're a family.

Their graphic design is amazing. It's like they don't have any rules. They use different styles, colors, fonts...they go crazy, except it works. And it looks good. It sends the message, and their design is much different from other gas stations. Very colorful. I would love to design for Sheetz. I feel like it would be a blast. 

But -
We have to pick 3 logos. So here are a few more:

But I think I'm going to go with the Sheetz logo. It presents a challenge. And I found the vector file for it! I have the vector files for all of the other logos too, but I feel that the Sheetz one will work best.

Week 5A

I finished my Phrase Animation and uploaded it on Youtube.

I'm hoping we spend more time on this, because I'd really like to try more effects, if possible. This video is just me dipping my feet in the water (so to speak). 

My quote is: 

"Great design is all about details. With innovative material selection, sensible construction techniques and modern aesthetics one can craft a unique design language that sets a new standard."

Everyone who saw my video actually liked it. 

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Week 4 Outside of Class

I finished my Phrase Animation and uploaded it on Youtube.

I'm hoping we spend more time on this, because I'd really like to try more effects, if possible. This video is just me dipping my feet in the water (so to speak). 

My quote is: 

"Great design is all about details. With innovative material selection, sensible construction techniques and modern aesthetics one can craft a unique design language that sets a new standard."

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Week 4B

Phrase Animation

The phrases I decided to use for this project are:

1) There's something disturbing about recalling a warm memory and feeling utterly cold.

2) You were never worth the chase, and I was always worth the effort.

3) “Digital design is like painting, except the paint never dries.”

These are too short. The one below is better, but it needs to be longer.

4) “There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.”

Trying 3 more: 

5) "Design, in its broadest sense, is the enabler of the digital era - it's a process that creates order out of chaos, that renders technology usable to business. Design means being good, not just looking good."

6) "Design is in everything we make, but it’s also between those things. It's a mix of craft, science, storytelling, propaganda, and philosophy."

7) "Great design is all about details. With innovative material selection, sensible construction techniques and modern aesthetics one can craft a unique design language that sets a new standard."

And the winner is...#7!

"Great design is all about details. With innovative material selection, sensible construction techniques and modern aesthetics one can craft a unique design language that sets a new standard."

Saving a website that I'm trying a cool effect on -

Monday, February 13, 2017

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Week 3B

Edits were made to our Sound animations in class today. I displayed mine below. I believe it is much better than the first video.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Week 3A

Shapes Moving to Sound
In class, we messed with the different transform options in After Effects. I posted a video below of what I made in class.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Week 2B

Sequential Dreamscape

In 300 words (or more) write about a recent dream you've had or a dream you remember.

I had a dream one night, it was a long time ago. I remember waking up (in my dream) and going outside. It was sunny out and the sky was clear. It was summer time. The neighborhood consisted of just flat roads. It looked very cookie-cutter. The neighborhood was weirdly quiet..I don’t remembering noticing anyone else being outside. It was like I just woke up there. I remember stepping outside and noticing the flat roads before I noticed what was in the sky. When I looked up, I saw houses, cars, etc. They were all upside down, just floating. It wasn't a reflection of the neighborhood I was in. It was a completely different neighborhood, or just a street, upside down in the sky. It was really weird because it made me think that a UFO was floating in the sky. But it wasn't a UFO. I don't know why I would have a dream like that, but I thought it was really cool. I wanted to illustrate it at one point (I still do). I can still picture the scene in my head and what stuff looks like, but it's not a clear cut picture. If given a lot of time, I could probably illustrate it to a point where it would look like what I’m picturing.

Day of Design

Day of Design
9:15am | 12:15pm | 3:15pm

9:15am - Alexander Reyna, Creative Director of Major League Baseball

The first speaker for the Day of Design event was Alexander Reyna. He's the Creative Director of Major League Baseball. He describes himself as a "cabinet maker" which is a blend of artistry and craft. 
He has been working in design for 25 years. Four of those years have been for Major League Baseball. He does everything except game design and is 100% self-taught.

A short list of what he does:

  • Making Stuff
  • Tinkering
  • Motion - intersection of all these different forms of design
  • Interactivity / UX / UI / Experience and more
  • Product Design
Make The Future
He made something with Real Time 3D visualization that allowed people to have more engagement with baseball. (seeing where the ball goes, speed of the throw and hit, etc.) 
People have great ideas but they are too afraid to create them. You need an Idea and Willpower, which is creating something out of nothing. 

His Process
  • Are they using it on the couch or on the subway? 
    • Thngs like this are important because it effects the design

  • Collaboration and feedback is key
  • We iterate solutions until they delight the user
  • They buy it when they feel they are a part of the solution
Honesty Is Obvious
  • UX does not hide the truth
  • Avoid the dark patterns (
L.A. Fitness - If you want to cancel your membership, you can't do it online. 

Create Delight
Make products that work "right" and surprise the user

Something He Learned
  • New form factors require new ways to interact

12:15pm - George Hakim, Creative Project Manager of Toyota North America

The second speaker for the Day of Design event was George Hakim. He's the Creative Project Manager of Toyota North America. He background was mainly in Graphic Design.

Engineering The Art of Storytelling
Safety Commitment: Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
  • Stories convey experience and wisdom
  • Stories excite sympathetic reactions
Expanding Audience
Over the years, storytelling's audience has expanded to:
  • Books
  • Radio
  • Film
  • Video Games - Interactive / you being part of the journey
  • Music Videos
  • Internet
  • Videos that go viral 
  • iPhones / smartphones
  • Social media
At Toyota, they use Virtual Reality as Storytelling for training purposes. 

The Golden Circle
Simon Sinek

  • People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it.
  • Do business with people who believe what you believe.
  • Talk to people from the inside out, because that influences action, that's where gut feelings come from.
Ask Why 5 Times
    Root Cause         Pay Attention to the Big Picture        Explain it to a Nontechnical Person
What's the problem?                                    HOSHIN                                                                                   MUDA

Learn The History
Genchi Genbutsu - Go to the source

Know Your Audience
Toyota's Mentality: Customer FIRST

Plan, Do, Check, Act

(define / plan) → → →  Create (do)
                         Empathy                ↓  
                     (customer first)           
Refine (act) ← ← ← ← ← ←  Test (check)  

*People retain 58% more information when both visual and auditory senses are stimulated.

More Meanings 

KAIZEN - continuous improvement
MIERUKA - visualization

Key Points 

  • Root Cause - Why
  • Mieruka - visual storytelling
  • Kaizen - continuous improvement
Kiki / Bouba Effect

  • We can match names with objects.

  1. Travel - helps with visual communication, global experience
  2. Don't be afraid to take a job where the experience intimidates you

Monday, January 30, 2017

Week 2 Outside of Class

Sequential Dreamscape

In 300 words (or more) write about a recent dream you've had or a dream you remember.

I had a dream one night, it was a long time ago. I remember waking up (in my dream) and going outside. It was sunny out and the sky was clear. It was summer time. The neighborhood consisted of just flat roads. It looked very cookie-cutter. The neighborhood was weirdly quiet..I don’t remembering noticing anyone else being outside. It was like I just woke up there. I remember stepping outside and noticing the flat roads before I noticed what was in the sky. When I looked up, I saw houses, cars, etc. They were all upside down, just floating. It wasn't a reflection of the neighborhood I was in. It was a completely different neighborhood, or just a street, upside down in the sky. It was really weird because it made me think that a UFO was floating in the sky. But it wasn't a UFO. I don't know why I would have a dream like that, but I thought it was really cool. I wanted to illustrate it at one point (I still do). I can still picture the scene in my head and what stuff looks like, but it's not a clear cut picture. If given a lot of time, I could probably illustrate it to a point where it would look like what I’m picturing.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Week 2A

This is my uploaded video on Youtube of my Black Line Animation. The video is supposed to represent an emotion we picked in class. I used Adobe Animate CC to complete this assignment. I have very little animation experience, so this is a new learning experience for me. It requires a lot of time and patience.

Update: This video is 54 seconds 


In 300 words (or more) write about a recent dream you've had or a dream you remember.

I had a dream one night, it was a long time ago. I remember waking up (in my dream) and going outside. It was sunny out and the sky was clear. It was summer time. The neighborhood consisted of just flat roads. It looked very cookie-cutter. The neighborhood was weirdly quiet..I don’t remembering noticing anyone else being outside. It was like I just woke up there. I remember stepping outside and noticing the flat roads before I noticed what was in the sky. When I looked up, I saw houses, cars, etc. They were all upside down, just floating. It wasn't a reflection of the neighborhood I was in. It was a completely different neighborhood, or just a street, upside down in the sky. It was really weird because it made me think that a UFO was floating in the sky. But it wasn't a UFO. I don't know why I would have a dream like that, but I thought it was really cool. I wanted to illustrate it at one point (I still do). I can still picture the scene in my head and what stuff looks like, but it's not a clear cut picture. If given a lot of time, I could probably illustrate it to a point where it would look like what I’m picturing.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Week 1 Outside of Class

This is my uploaded video on Youtube of my Black Line Animation. The video is supposed to represent an emotion we picked in class. I used Adobe Animate CC to complete this assignment. I have very little animation experience, so this is a new learning experience for me. It requires a lot of time and patience.

Update: This video is 54 seconds 

Monday, January 23, 2017

Week 1A

Today was the first day of class for Intro Sequence, Motion, + Comm. So far, we drew simple animations and used them on an Animation Praxinoscope - "the 100-year-old optical toy which demonstrates the working principle of modern animations." ( I drew a bouncing ball. We also drew two things that go together on a thaumatrope - "A disk with a picture on each side is attached to two pieces of string. When the strings are twirled quickly between the fingers the two pictures appear to blend into one due to the persistence of vision." ( For the thaumatrope, I drew cookies in a cookie jar.