Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Week 2B

Sequential Dreamscape

In 300 words (or more) write about a recent dream you've had or a dream you remember.

I had a dream one night, it was a long time ago. I remember waking up (in my dream) and going outside. It was sunny out and the sky was clear. It was summer time. The neighborhood consisted of just flat roads. It looked very cookie-cutter. The neighborhood was weirdly quiet..I don’t remembering noticing anyone else being outside. It was like I just woke up there. I remember stepping outside and noticing the flat roads before I noticed what was in the sky. When I looked up, I saw houses, cars, etc. They were all upside down, just floating. It wasn't a reflection of the neighborhood I was in. It was a completely different neighborhood, or just a street, upside down in the sky. It was really weird because it made me think that a UFO was floating in the sky. But it wasn't a UFO. I don't know why I would have a dream like that, but I thought it was really cool. I wanted to illustrate it at one point (I still do). I can still picture the scene in my head and what stuff looks like, but it's not a clear cut picture. If given a lot of time, I could probably illustrate it to a point where it would look like what I’m picturing.

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